Thursday, September 20, 2007

1st Day Mexico

Mexico has officially begun - Yipppppeeeeeeee !!!!

Es Stupendo... esta pias es moei linda (translated " wow - this place is so beautiful")
What a soul, what heart and what a welcome from my gracious hosts, Andres and Ana-Cecile (founder & operations director of Risaterapia repectively)... how blessed I am to be here in the land of tortillas, the surreal mix of cultures and soul. I have found part of my family here, my soul family of Clowns. I feel not only welcome in their comfy home, see my new room, but also into the hearts of all of the precious lights here...

I've been talking the hind leg off a burro (donkey) and I can tell this connection between the UP & Risaterapia, is just the beginning of a grander scheme of creating a web connection with all the other joy givers on this planet... Yahhhhoooooo...
I have found an organisation of awesome beings who equally share the message of bringing joy to the world and the Corazon (heart) is the true centre for both of our organisations.

Seems like this blog will be a source of edutainment as my dear amigo and fellow Clown Doctor, will be introducing me to a few more cities in this interesting land as together we explore the super STARS of Risaterapia... so my dear friends and sUPporters watch this space for regular UPdates & giggles...
Besos para las todos... kisses to you all... Nikki aka MAfrika

What a gift, what a blessing, what an amazing time to be alive on this planet.

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